10 Things to Learn from St Leo the Great, Pope


A pontiff deeply committed to his mission, Saint Leo the Great knew how to defend the true Faith, certain that the works he accomplished came from the abundance of Christ’s grace.

Newsdesk (11/11/2021  11:00 AM Gaudium Press) St. Leo the Great is considered one of the greatest Popes in the history of the Church. This distinguished Saint left a wealth of teachings in his works and writings, which earned him the title of Doctor of the Church. We have selected some of his wise phrases so that we can meditate on them today.

1 – “True peace consists in not departing from the will of God and only taking pleasure in what God loves.”

2 – “The practice of Christian wisdom does not consist in profusion of words, nor in subtlety of reasoning, nor in ambition for praise and glory, but in sincere and willing humility which the Lord Jesus Christ, from his mother’s womb to the torture of the cross, chose and pointed to as the fullness of strength (Mt 18:1-4).”

3 – “Abraham was promised an innumerable offspring, who would be begotten not according to the flesh, but in the fruitfulness of Faith.”

4 – “Indeed, all who have been regenerated in Christ have also been made kings with the Sign of the Cross, and holy priests with the anointing of the Holy Spirit.”

5 – “A great support is the Faith in its entirety, the true Faith, to which nothing can be added or taken away by anyone; for if the Faith is not one, then it absolutely does not exist.”

6 – “The Catholic Church lives and thrives by her Faith in this truth: that in Jesus Christ one must not believe in humanity without true divinity, nor in divinity without true humanity.”

7 – “Participation in the Body and Blood of Christ does nothing less than to transform us into that which we take; and in everything, both in the flesh and in the spirit, we bear that very One in whom we were killed, buried and raised.”

8 – “Recognize, Christian, your dignity and, having become a partaker of the divine nature, take heed lest by unworthy conduct you relapse from such greatness into primitive baseness.”

9 – “If we are God’s temple and the Holy Spirit dwells in us (1 Cor 3:16), each believer keeps in his soul more than anything that is admired in the firmament.”

10 – “There are many who, clinging to their own ideas and more ready to teach than to learn what they have not yet understood, are shipwrecked in the Faith (1 Tim 1:19)”. 

Compiled by Roberta MacEwan

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