12 Thoughts of St Ambrose to Refresh Your Spiritual Life

12 Thoughts of St Ambrose to Refresh Your Spiritual Life
st Ambrose

Despite having lived in the 4th Century, the teachings of St. Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, remain current.

Newsroom (07/12/2021 10:08 AM, Gaudium Press) Today, December 7, the Catholic Church celebrates the memory of St. Ambrose, Bishop and Doctor of the Church, a title conferred on Catholics who have played a prominent role in the study of Catholic theology.

St Ambrose is also part of the Fathers of the Church. They were Christians of the first centuries who helped establish the foundation of Catholic doctrine, namely through their teaching.

Among his most attentive listeners, there was a young man who, later, the world would come to know as St. Augustine. The Saint mentions St. Ambrose in his classic book ‘Confessions.’ In addition, St. Ambrose baptized him in 387.

Although Ambrose was born in the year 340, his teachings remain current. In this article, we present a selection of phrases and thoughts of this great Saint:

01 – “What love does, fear can never accomplish. Nothing is more useful than making oneself loved”.

02 – “Just as the fear of the world is weakness, the fear of God is a great strength.”

03 – “When you feel anguished, instead of grumbling, believe there is a way out. This is the time to pray rather than indulge in complaints.”

04 – “The disastrous fall of that old Adam emptied us, but filled us with the grace of Christ. He stripped himself to fill us and to make the fullness of virtue dwell in the flesh of man.”

05 – “Christ is everything for us: if you desire to heal your wounds, He is a doctor; if you are anguished by the burning of fever, He is a Fountain; if you are oppressed by guilt, He is Justice; if you need help, He is Power; if you are afraid of death, He is Life; if you desire paradise, He is the Way; if you have a horror of darkness, He is Light; if you are in search of food, He is Nourishment.”

06 – “In everything, I desire to follow the Church of Rome… I do nothing but following the Apostle Peter. I am faithfully bound to his piety.”

07 – “Whoever gives himself to God does not fear the Devil. ‘If God is for us, who can be against us?’ (Rom 8:31).”

08 – “The Church is the ship that sails well in this world at the breath of the Holy Spirit with the sails of the Lord’s Cross fully unfurled.”

09 – “The devil tempts that he may ruin; God tests that he may crown.”

10 – “For the Christian, Faith precedes everything else.”

11 – “No one heals himself by wounding another.”

12 – “He waits for our tears, that He may pour forth His goodness.” (EPC)

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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