12th Century Abbey Saved From Fire in France

The Abbey of St. Michel de Frigolet in France was preserved from fire thanks to the efforts of firefighters who struggled for days to control the blaze

Saint Michel de Frigolet Abbey. Source: Wikipedia

Newsroom (23/07/2022 15:46, Gaudium Press) The abbey of Saint Michel de Frigolet, located in Montagnette, France, escaped by meters from the fire that hit the region.

Last Sunday, the Premontane canons were able to return to the historic abbey of Saint Michael of Frigolet, after the fire destroyed about 1500 hectares of vegetation around the building.

Start of the fire

The mayor of the town reported that the fire started on July 14, probably because of sparks from a railroad shipment.

The flames spread quickly because of the dry weather and high temperatures in Europe.

Immediately, the inhabitants of the town were asked to leave their homes, including the community of religious living in the Abbey of St. Michael.

Pour celles et ceux qui ont un doute sur la prise en compte de la valeur du sauvé par les @PompiersFR …. https://t.co/IWmozzW7Mz

The fight against the flames

Some 650 firefighters, 170 fire trucks, and a firefighting plane mobilized for several days to extinguish the blaze advancing up the abbey hill.

The efforts of those involved paid off, and by July 16 the fire was under control, although it wasn’t until July 19 that it was completely extinguished.

Pictures posted on social media by the firefighters in the region show that the abbey was only a few meters away from being hit by the fire.

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Quelques photos de l’intérieur de l’Abbaye St Michel de Frigolet pour vous donner une idée de ce qui a été sauvé par les @Pompiers_13 #FeuxDeForets #Montagnette #Icendies pic.twitter.com/LueQzHxtxI

The Abbey of Saint Michael of Frigolet

The abbey of Frigolet is dedicated to Saint Michael the Archangel, patron saint of France, and dates back to the 12th century.

The building is classified as a historical monument and houses distinct historical styles, which determines its uniqueness.

The church and cloister are Romanesque in style. Already in the 17th century, the Augustinians who took over the abbey gave a baroque touch to the building’s chapel.

Finally, in the 19th century, the basilica of the Immaculate Conception was built in the neo-Gothic style. The paintings inside the basilica are by painter Antoine Sublet, who was inspired by the Holy Chapel in Paris. (FM)

Compiled by Dominic Joseph

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