35,000 people raise in support of Priest accused of hate crime in Spain


“The censorship of hatred, used by the left in a sectarian way, is reaching extremes of oppression hardly compatible with open democratic societies,” says Maslibres.org spokesperson.

Fr Custodio Ballester
Fr Custodio Ballester

Newsroom (September 4, 2020 Gaudium Press) In a campaign carried out by Maslibres.org, a platform for religious freedom, more than 35,000 citizens have joined the campaign ‘A priest is persecuted for criticizing violent Islamism’.

The campaign is petitioning the European Union’s special envoy for the promotion of religious freedom not to allow Fr. Custodio Ballester to be jailed for writing an article on the dangers of violent Islamism.

Three years in prison and a fine of 1500 euros

Indeed, Malaga’s prosecutor, Maria Teresa Verdugo, calls for each of the accused (Fr. Ballester, another priest and the director of the online newspaper responsible for the publication) to be condemned to three years in prison and fined 1500 euros.

The text by which Father Ballester is accused of hate crime reads as follows: “Let us not deceive ourselves; the Islam of today and of always, which we are trying to cohere with Christianity, with one hand drives the works of charity, while it arms the other hand to annihilate all those who refuse to recognize Allah, and Mohammed as the last and definitive prophet of God”.

Regarding the judicial action against Fr. Ballester, Inmaculada Fernández, the spokesperson of Maslibres.org, affirms: “The censorship of hate, used by the left in a sectarian way, is reaching extremes of oppression. It is hardly compatible with open democratic societies.”

Agendas to elevate group ideology to the category of official dogma

For Fernandez, “the sole thought of the left is increasingly becoming more evident. Its only purpose is to elevate [group] ideology to the category of official dogma. Freedom is being reduced to a minimal expression; but we still have hopes in helping Fr. Custodio Ballester. That is why the signatures we collect are so important”.

And she concludes: “If we do not confront this injustice, we will have opened the door to future attacks on the freedom of expression of only a part of those whom the left determines cannot be allowed to express themselves freely.”

With information from Actuall

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