5 Reasons to pray the Rosary every day


During her apparitions at Fatima, Our Lady asked to pray the Rosary every day to obtain peace.

Newsdesk (June 29, 2021 20:35 Gaudium Press) In the book “Calls from the Message of Fatima,” by Sister Lucia, one of the Fatima seers, the Servant of God recalls the request made by Our Lady on May 13, 1917: “pray the Rosary every day to obtain peace for the world and an end to war.

1- The Rosary is accessible to all

In her work, the nun presents five reasons to pray the Rosary daily. The first is that God is a Father who “adjusts himself to the needs and possibilities of His children.” And she explains that if God, through Our Lady, had asked us to go to Holy Mass every day, surely there would be many who would have said, with good reason, that it was not possible for them. However, praying the Rosary is accessible to everyone, poor and rich, wise and ignorant, big and small, at any time and in any place.

2- Family encounter with God

The second reason is that this prayer leads us to a family meeting with God, like the son who goes to his father to thank him for the benefits. It is an opportunity to deal with his private matters, receive His guidance, help, support, and blessing.

3- The Rosary is the most pleasant prayer we can offer to God after the Holy Mass

A third reason presented by the Servant of God is that after the Holy Mass, the Rosary is the most pleasant prayer we can offer to God and of greatest benefit to our souls. If this were not so, Our Lady would not have recommended it with such insistence, she notes.

There are many excellent prayers to prepare to receive Jesus in the Eucharist and preserve our intimate relationship with God. Yet, Sister Lucia does not believe that there is a more appropriate prayer for people in general than the prayer of the five or fifteen (twenty) Mysteries of the Rosary.

4- A powerful means to help us keep the Faith

The fourth benefit of the daily recitation of the Rosary given by the Fatima seer is that the Rosary is a powerful means to help us conserve Faith, Hope and Charity.

5- The Rosary prevents the faithful from falling into materialism

The fifth reason given by Sister Lucy is that the Rosary prevents the faithful from falling into materialism. Those who abandon the prayer of the Rosary -She explains- and do not take part daily in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass have nothing to sustain them, ending up lost in the materialism of earthly life. (EPC)

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