New Canonizations and Beatifications in the Vatican


Vatican City (Wednesday, 09/17/2014, Gaudium Press) In an audience with the Prefect of the Congregation for the Causes of Saints, Cardinal Angelo Amato, Pope Francisco authorized the Pontifical Council to promulgate the decrees of two new saints and beatified two new blessed.

Pope Francis in the Vatican
New Canonizations and Beatifications
in the Vatican

Among the next Saints are Blessed Maria Cristina of the Immaculate Conception (Adelaide Brando), born in Naples, Italy, foundress of the Expiatory Victims Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament; and Blessed Joseph Vaz, born in Benaulin, India, priest of the Oratory of St. Philip Neri and founder of the Oratory of the Holy Cross of Miracles in the city of Goa.

The Pope has approved the votes of the ordinary session of the cardinals and bishopsin favour of the canonization of Blessed Vaz, calling for a Consistory aiming to the canonization of the two blessed.

The religious who are to be beatified are Pio Alberto Del Corona, a native of Livorno, venerable Servant of God who belonged to the Order of Friars Preachers, having been Titular Archbishop of Sardica, Bishop Emeritus of San Miniato and founder of the Congregation of the Dominican Sisters of the Holy Spirit ; and Mary Elizabeth Turgeon, of Beaumont, Canada, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary. (LMI / AH)


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