Spanish Catholic Bishops Conference recalls sacred value of human life


Spain (Thursday, 18.09.2014, Gaudium Press) Once again the Catholic Church of Spain has made a strong statement in favor of human life. Through a document entitled “In defense of the weak”, disclosed Thursday 18, the Executive Committee of the Spanish Catholic Bishops Conference (CEE), has stated the incalculable value of human life in connection with the many demonstrations in defense of life taking place in cities across this European country on Sunday, September 21, much supported by civil society.

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The executive committee of Spanish Catholic Bishops Conference has made a strong statement in favor of human life in connection with the many demonstrations in defense of life taking place, September 21, in cities across Spain/ Photo Álvaro Fernández

“In this context”, reads the document, “the Executive Committee of the Spanish Catholic Bishops Conference (…), wants to make its voices heard once again, as it has always done, to remember the sacred value of human life from conception to natural death. “

Drawing from the writings of Pope Francis in the Apostolic Exhortation ‘Gaudium Envagelli’, the Executive Committee of the CEE, recognizes the unborn as the weakest that the Church takes under its custody with greater love, who “are the most defenseless and innocent of all, to whom today their human dignity is being denied (…) taking away their lives and promoting legislation which makes it impossible to come in their defense.”

“It is not real progress to try to solve problems eliminating human life,” says the CEE quoting the Pope’s Exhortation.

In this sense, it also makes an appeal to be more supportive of women who are vulnerable to abortion: “As the Pope observes, we must do more ‘to properly accompany women who are in hard situations, where abortion is presented as a quick solution to their deep anguish.'”

“It’s everyone’s job to find a solution to these problems in the way of life and not by the death of an innocent being. A human being is always sacred and inviolable, in any situation and at every stage of its development. It is an end in itself and never a means to resolve other difficulties, “says the Executive Committee of the EEC in its message.

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On September 21, at least 60 public demonstrations will take place, 16 of them out of Spain. / Photo HazteOir.oro

However this has not been the only statement of the Church in regard to the value of human life. Recently elected Archbishop of Madrid and Apostolic Vicar of Valencia, Mgr. Carlos Osorio, in an interview with Cadena COPE reacted to the news of the final dismissal of a Draft Law intended to protect the life of the unborn and the rights of the pregnant woman.

“We cannot fool around with life, and therefore, in the horizon we always must give life its opportunity, and not to build a horizon of death, as we know to what that will lead us to,” said Msgr. Osorio, who also recalled that the Church has already spoken on this subject “and will continue forever to do so (…) I think that what the Church has said has been said in many ways”.

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