Relics of blessed parents of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, expected at Synod on the Family


Vatican City (Tuesday, 09/23/2014, Gaudium Press) The upcoming extraordinary general session of the Synod of Bishops on the Family that will meet at the Vatican between 5-19 October 2014 will have a few guests that are not on the list of attendees but will be received with great veneration.

Relics of blessed parents of St. Therese
Reliquary containing the relics of the blessed spouses Louis and Zelie Martin. Photo: Parish of St. Maxellende in Cambray

They are Louis and Zelie Martin parents of Saint Therese of Lisieux, OCD. The Secretary General of the Synod, Cardinal Lorenzo Baldisseri confirmed the presence of the relics in an article published in the magazine Famille Chrétienne and made known in Aleteia portal.

The idea came from Cardinal Baldisseri , but the inspiration was shared, without knowing, by Mons. Jacques Habert, Bishop of Sees, France. When the Cardinal visited the Bishop Habert to ask him permission to take the relics to Rome for the Synod, he realized that the Bishop had already this desire.

“The married life of Louis and Celia was a true example of humanity and brotherhood, but also and above all a way of holiness,” said Cardinal Baldisseri in a lecture given in the city of Alencon. “They lived with the simple desire to fulfill the will of God, and they understood that they wanted to encounter God not next to each other but in one another, and that each one was a gift of God to the other.”

For this reason, this blessed couple is meant to be an example and inspiration at the next Synod, and their relics will be presented for the veneration of the attendees. “They are above all a couple who are together in Christ, seeking to live from their faith and by their faith, considering faith their greatest treasure that had to be conveyed with true passion to their children” explained the Cardinal. “Indeed, faith in Martin is a living faith,” he said. His life is a Christian witness and tasted fruits as visible as the extraordinary sanctity of his daughter makes them players in a world increasingly in need of successful examples of life.
(from Aleteia)


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