Pope Francis: Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the unity of the Church


Vatican City (Friday, 10/24/2014, Gaudium Press) On Friday, October 24th., the Holy Father pointed out, during his homily at Casa Santa Marta, that the task of every Christian is to work for the unity of the Church because “laboring for church unity is the work of the Church and of every Christian throughout history.” He added: And the cornerstone of the unity of the Church, or rather the cornerstone of the Church, is Jesus and the cornerstone of the unity of the Church is Jesus’ prayer at the Last Supper: ‘Father, that they may be one!’. And this is its strength!”.

The Pope reminded those present that “The hope to which we have been called: the hope of journeying towards the Lord, the hope of living in a living Church, made of living stones, with the power of the Holy Spirit. Only in the ground plan of hope can we move forward in the unity of the Church. We have been called to a great hope. Let’s go there! But with the strength that Jesus prayer’ for unity gives us; with docility to the Holy Spirit, who is capable of making living stones from bricks; and with the hope of finding the Lord who has called us, to encounter Him in the fullness of time”.( LMI)

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