Brasilia, Brazil (Monday, 12/29/2014, Gaudium Press) In his end of the year message, the general secretary of the CNBB and auxiliary bishop of Brasilia, Bishop Leonardo Steiner, thanked God for the blessings granted along 2014 and the encouragement given by Pope Francis.
Entitled “2014: Year of Grace of the Lord,” the letter of Bishop Steiner stressed that “the Mercy of God has forgiven our sins and renewed our hope” and “God’s Providence took care of our lives all the time, with maternal solicitude “.”Pope Francis” he continued “encouraged us with ‘the Joy of the Gospel’, confirming us in our faith and giving us an example. Our work was a daily opportunity to serve our brothers and sisters.”
“These are women and men, mothers and fathers, professionals, with the fruit of this work, support their families. There are those who gave their collaboration and are no longer with us, but remain in our memory. New sisters and younger brothers brought ‘new blood in the veins of the Church’ ” he said.(LMI)