“It is not just a matter of feeling better, but to be objectively better," says Argentinean Archbishop


La Plata – Argentina (Tuesday, 12/30/2014, Gaudium Press) The Archbishop of La Plata, Argentina, Hector Aguer, gives his views on the new year which is just starting.

According to the prelate, “we must not only grow in years and gray hairs. We must grow mainly in our personal attitude, our inner wealth and especially in the way we relate with the world and with our families, our friends, and those who we cross in the street.”

Archbishop Aguer explained that the purpose for which we were created becomes more obvious as we reach the end of our earthly lives, “to enjoy with God for all eternity.”

Although we may fill nostalgic of the year that now stays behind, the New Year brings novelty and makes us happy as we begin a new journey.

The Archbishop suggested for us to do “a kind of a balance sheet of old year” because even if sometimes we leave behind some heavy weight, “there is always something good that we want to remember and that deserves a future in our lives” .

“At the same time, the new year shows us which things have not become obsolete but were given to us out of God goodness” and so we have in front of us an extra time given by God for us to be better and grow more and more.

Finally, Archbishop Aguer noted that the balance in our lives makes us be better, “because It is not just a matter of feeling better, but to be objectively better,” and that is what we have to ask God as we move from the old year to the new one. “(GPE / LMI)

From the Editor’s desk of Gaudium Press with information from Aica

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