Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro organizes exhibition titled "Our Cross of Each Day "


    Rio de Janeiro (Monday, 09/03/2015, Gaudium Press) In partnership with the Loyola Center for Faith and Culture and the Catholic Pontifical University (PUC-Rio), the Archdiocese of Rio de Janeiro has organized an exhibition under the title “Our Cross of Each Day “. It takes place at the Metropolitan Cathedral of San Sebastian and it will run until March 25, from 7 am to 5pm.

    Our Cross of Each Day.jpg

    In the framework of Lent, the exhibition invites all its visitors to take a moment to do a prayer and reflection on Jesus’ sacrifice. Among the exhibits are 150 pieces of the private collection of a Jesuit priest, Fr José Maria Fernandes.

    The collection includes 18 modules, with crucifixes made by artists and artisans from different parts of Brazil and the world.

    The exhibition also includes several pieces from a cross made out of stone, from the twelfth century, which comes from Jerusalem. Also a crucifix found in a box, inside a wall during restoration works done in “Pateo do Collegio”, in São Paulo, possibly having belonged to St. Joseph Anchieta, the sixteenth century Apostle of Brazil.

    In addition, there are some other crosses that have been produced in Brazil containing typical regional characteristics, such as colored ribbons from the northern state of Pernambuco, or ceramics of Minas Gerais and the seeds from the Amazon.

    Crosses from other countries include some origami pieces from Japan, silver crosses from Peru and even others done with precious metals from European countries, the Greek Orthodox cross, the Ethiopian Coptic cross and a Via Crucis of the eighteenth century. (LMI)

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