The cure of Carmen is the miracle needed for the canonization of the parents of St Therese of Lisieux


Rome (Saturday, 03-21-2015, Gaudium Press) A girl form Valencia, Spain, who was born premature in October 2008, has been miraculously cured through the intercession of the blessed spouses Louis Martin (1823-1894) and Celia Guérin (1831-1877), parents of St. Therese of Lisieux.

The girl, named Carmen, is six years old, and was the object of a “scientifically inexplicable” cure, as explains the report of the Italian Carmelite Antonio Sangalli.

Carmen “was born prematurely after a difficult pregnancy,” he says, “suffered multiple pathologies, including a double and a left septicemia Grade IV intraventricular brain hemorrhage”.

The parents of the girl, “seeing the danger, immediately turned to God and to the Virgin Mary. As suggested by the Carmelite nuns of Serra, parents, family and friends began a novena of prayer to blessed Louis and Celia Martin” adds the report.

As stated by the archdiocese of Valencia, after that moment there was a gradual recovery of the girl, until her “amazing recovery with no medical explanation.”

The postulator of the Cause of canonization, Fr. Sangalli, explains that in the process of their investigation “18 witnesses were heard: the parents and grandparents of Carmen, her teacher, a priest, four Carmelites and eight doctors”.

Finally, the postulator encouraged to “repeat with force that the Martin couple are very special, and an example for our families today; they are masters in the field of faith, home education, ecclesial and social holiness.”

“We are very excited because we received the news of the approval of the miracle of our daughter before going to do our family annual offering to the Blessed Virgin Mary”, said Carmen’s father, who has stated that her daughter ” now participates in this offering since the second month out of the hospital and now she does it with great enthusiasm”.

With information from Aleteia

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