The Vatican (Tuesday, 03-31-2015, Gaudium Press) The Bishop for Prisons in the UK, Bishop Richard Moth has welcomed a recent report by the British House of Commons Justice Select Committee on prison planning and policies, which he says highlights a number of issues that need to be addressed by the government.
The report found that prisons were being under resourced and were overcrowded. Concerns were also raised about assaults on prison personnel and the mental health of prisoners. Bishop Moth agrees saying the “incidences of mental health problems in a number of our prisons is very high.
He also added that, where cuts are made to staffing numbers, that places huge pressure on existing staff… but also it can lead to prisoners spending more time in their cells than would be the case if you had more staff and that places further pressure on the prisoners themselves.”
Bishop Moth also said that, “we do need to give the best possible resource we can to our prison system otherwise rehabilitation of prisoners, I believe suffers. “
Speaking about Pope Francis and his visits to prisons, especially during Holy Week, the Bishop said, “I think it sends a wonderful message because it’s the Holy Father saying to those who are in prison, you have a value.”
From Vatican Radio