Marian Conference will gather 5000 faithful in Aparecida on September 2015


    Aparecida – State of Sao Paulo, Brazil (Wednesday, 04/01/2015, Gaudium Press) A Conference on Mary, organized by the Marian Academy of Aparecida will be held in September 2015, in tune with the celebrations of the 300 anniversary of the discovery of the miraculous statue of Our Lady Aparecida by 3 fishermen in the Paraiba river in October 1717. The event aims to bring together participants from Brazil and other countries to reflect and study on the Mother of God, the Blessed Virgin Mary and on her role in the divine revelation and on Christian discipleship in the Church.

    Santuario de Nossa Senhora Aparecida..jpg

    The new director of the Marian Academy, Father Valdivino Guimarães, states that “as we are approaching the 300 years anniversary of the finding of the Statue of the Virgin Mary of Aparecida, our desire is that the theme of this conference, which is still being decided, will match this anniversary, since the Marian Academy of Aparecida is delighted to encourage a study related to the 300 years anniversary Our Lady of Aparecida”.

    In addition, Father Valdivino invites members and nonmembers of Marian Academy to attend the conference which will certainly be glorious page of its history.

    The Academy’s headquarters are located at the National Shrine of Aparecida and is chaired by Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis. (LMI)

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