The Vatican (Tuesday, 06-09-2015, Guadium Press) On his return flight from Sarajevo on Saturday night, Pope Francis spoke to reporters where he discussed Medjugorje among other subjects.
Returning from his pastoral visit to the Bosnian capital, the Holy Father was asked on the current position of the Church regarding the apparitions of Medjugorje.
“We are about to make decisions and then they will be communicated,” the Pontiff replied.
In 1981, six children first reported visions of the Virgin Mary in the Bosnian town. Since then, it has been a major pilgrimage site. However, some believe the apparitions are a hoax.
The commission of inquiry on Medjugorje, presided over by Cardinal Camillo Ruini, did a good job, the Pope said. He added that Cardinal Gerard Müller, Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, held a special meeting on the theme of the Marian apparitions in the Bosnian town.
Source Zenit