Festivities for Our Lady Aparecida, Brazil, are revealed


    Aparecida do Norte, Brazil (Wednesday, 09-30-2015, Gaudium Press) The Brazilian Catholic National Shrine of Our Lady of Aparecida held a press conference, on Tuesday, September 29, where the details of the program for the celebration of this year’s Feast were given.

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    Cardinal Raymundo Damasceno Assis, Archbishop of Aparecida, spoke to the press at the press room of the Basilica. He was accompanied by the rector of the National Shrine, Father John Baptist de Almeida, and the treasurer of the Shrine, Father Daniel Antonio.

    This year the novena of Our Lady of Aparecida will be based on the theme of: “With Mary and in Jesus, we reach the Glory”. It will star on October 3 and finished on the eve of the feast, October 11.

    Archbishop Damascene also noted that he will not be able to be present because he will be attending the 14th Annual General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops, to be held between the 4th and 25th October, at the Vatican.

    The rector, Father John Baptist, commented on which will be the highlights of the celebrations: “For months we are preparing for this mayor event with the help of our volunteers and involving also our employees, by doing visits with the statue of Our Lady of Aparecida to schools, kindergartens, parishes, communities” he said.

    The final prayer, according to the organizers, will conclude with a huge greeting of the approximately 3000 young people who will be attending the event.

    More than 1900 employees are involved in the preparations of the feast in honor of Our Lady. Also hundreds of volunteers are involved in different areas of the project.

    In that long weekend, in which the celebrations will take place, 400.000 people are expected to visit the National Shrine. (LMI)

    With information from A12

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