Latin course in Pakistan has unexpected success


Karachi , Pakistan (Thursday, 12-17-2015, Gaudium Press) – The leaders of the Catechetical Centre of the Diocese of Karachi did not think they would have had such a great success when they proposed a specific course to learn Latin, in the Jubilee Year. Instead, as reported to Fides, the initiative, launched in October 2105 by Father Arthur Charles, Director of the Centre, aimed at religious, priests, lay people interested, involved a large group of people, of all states of life.


The teaching is entrusted to Sister Roshan Mariam OP who made the Latin language an interesting subject, providing basic language skills. Before long, the students managed to acquire the skills to hold a conversation. The course is in fact structured with interactive workshops, which encouraged participation.

“Latin – explains to Fides Fr. Charles – offers students the opportunity to learn the basic prayers of the Church, to read and understand more about the Holy Scripture. It represents a cultural and spiritual enrichment for everyone”.

The emeritus Archbishop of Karachi, Mgr. Evarist Pinto, during the meeting with students said: “Hello, fratres et sorores, friends et amicae. Laudamus Deum et gratias agimus per hoc cursus Latino. Nunc possumus Latine loqui et Latin scribere. Deo gratis”. “Many Latin words, expressions and Latin sayings – the Archbishop noted – are found in English. Latin is part of the patrimony of the Church and unites the universal Church.
Source Agenzia Fides


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