Destined to a Higher Mission


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    From the Editor’s Desk (Monday, June 26, 2017, Gaudium Press) Exodus tells us how the victory of Joshua in the fight in defence of the Hebrews depended entirely on the prayer of Moses, who – removed from the physical combat, and withdrawn to the height of the holy mountain – interceded for the people before God, becoming thus the real architect of the triumph.

    Over the course of seventy-seven fruitful years, Msgr. João Scognamiglio Clá Dias lived in total fidelity to the Chair of Peter, confirming his allegiance to the Magisterium with innumerable and valuable works in favour of the salvation of souls. Above all, he faced great sufferings with ever increasing valour, offering everything for the exaltation and glory of the institution that he loves so much: the Holy Roman Catholic and Apostolic Church.

    This notwithstanding, only in heaven will we know about all that he obtained before God, because in spite of his achievements being many, in the sight of God to be is much more than to do, and therein lies his true merit.

    In full cognizance of the great growth and magnitude acquired by the work born of his hands, on June 2 of 2017 Monsignor João Scognamiglio Clá Dias raised himself to the position of mediator next to God for his own, on resigning from his posts of Superior General of the Clerical Society of Apostolic Life Virgo Flos Carmeli and President General of the Private Association of Faithful Heralds of the Gospel, so that one of his spiritual sons could continue the work that he had initiated.

    Nevertheless, even if he no longer has the title of Superior General, nobody else will ever fulfill his mission as a father and as such, his role with regard to his sons is irreplaceable, because he was constituted by God to be their example and guide, continuing to be the guardian of this sublime charism entrusted to him by the Holy Spirit. Thus, God reserves for him deeds even greater than those that he has already accomplished. Among these will be that of ardently beseeching the establishment of the Kingdom of Mary Most Holy on earth.

    To my spiritual sons and daughters:

    From all Eternity, the relationship between the Father and the Son, enveloped in the loving flames of the Holy Spirit, also consisted in reflecting upon all of the infinite marvels, which, in unison, the Most Blessed Trinity would bring about in the Work of Creation. In face of all of the glory and splendour that the Three Divine Persons would pour out upon their creatures, the radiance of their incommensurable love shone even more brightly.


    Before the eyes of the Eternal Word, however, this had little or almost no worth. The most glorious path was that reserved by God for the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity: “He emptied Himself of His glory, being born in human likeness. He humbled Himself to the point of death, even death on a Cross.”

    Over the course of His earthly life, the Incarnate Word did nothing other than show humanity that the most luminous way, and the only one that leads to true glory, is that of well accepted self-denial and suffering. “If any man would come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow Me.”

    Thus, taking into consideration my seventy-seven years, sixty of which have been spent in labouring and suffering in the service of the Holy Catholic Church, having clearly in view all the scope and prodigious growth of this Work born of my hands, and knowing that, before God, being is much more important than doing; after much prayer, it seemed to me more just in the sight of God and of Mary Most Holy to resign from my post as Superior General, so that a son of mine, under the effect of the Holy Spirit, may lead this Work to that perfection desired by Our Lady, such as She impressed on the soul of the Founder.

    Upon leaving this office, I cannot – nor would I wish to – before God, renounce my mission as father. I have before the Most Holy Trinity, through my Lady and Mother, the Virgin Mary, the firm intention of continuing to intercede next to God, with my supplications and prayers, for my sons and daughters. I will remain at the disposal of each and every one, knowing that I have been established by God as the living model and guardian of this charism, entrusted to me by the Holy Spirit.

    I ask you all to continue to pray for me and for this Work, so that the entire plan of God with regard to us may attain its full splendour, for His glory and that of the Holy Church, so that the full union with Heaven may be instituted on earth, the Reign of Mary Most Holy.

    Caieiras, June 2, 2017

    Monsignor João Scognamiglio Clá Dias, EP

    Superior General

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