Maronite Patriarch and the leader of Hezbollah: Syrian refugees must return to Syria


Beirut, Lebanon (Tuesday, October 3, 2017, Gaudium Press) The presence of Syrian refugees in Lebanon is creating an unsustainable situation that can only be addressed by promoting the return of Syrian refugees to their Country.

This is what Maronite Patriarch Béchara Boutros Rai said on Saturday 30 September, during a pastoral visit to Zahle, in Beqa Valley, in an area where social tensions and situations of conflict are growing due to the presence of displaced Syrians among refugees and the local population.


“The territory of Syria”, reiterated the Primate of the Maronite Church “is bigger than that of Lebanon, and to organize the return of refugees we cannot wait for the initiatives of the Syrian State because they follow their own political agenda”.

Almost in the same hours, similar considerations were also expressed by Hassan Nasrallah, leader of the Hezbollah Shiite party. “It is time to return to Syria”, Nasrallah said on September 30, referring to Syrian refugees, adding that it is in the interest of the Syrian refugees themselves “to return home and participate in the reconstruction of the Country”.

Source Agenzia Fides


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