A Book of Golden Pages: The Life and Reign of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II


More than the disappearance of a symbol, the death of Queen Elizabeth II is the turning of a magnificent page in the history of humanity.

Newsroom (13/09/2022 11:45, ) The purchase of a book depends on many factors of the buyer’s choosing. If one bases the purchase of the book on the facts that it contains few pages, large print and many photographs, then obviously the buyer is not looking for something serious and profound. Choosing it simply because of its attractive cover would undoubtedly signify a superficiality, and likely a certain indication that the person really has no particular idea of the type of book to choose.

However, a demanding reader who wishes to find in a single work a literary style that is both epic and dramatic, historical and sociological, biographical and psychological; where war and diplomacy, success and misfortune, glory and pain unfolded, and in which one could find a model of dignity of honour and greatness put at the service of her people and her nation – would hold in the hands a book of 96 magnificent volumes, 70 of which were written in letters of gold, and whose final point is not only the end of a life, but the twilight of a whole existence filled with splendours and conquests. This living book that was the life of Queen Elizabeth II is the conclusion of one of the most beautiful and surprising works written by humanity: the history of monarchies.

Her Reign: Worthy of marking a “before” and an “after”

The Queen of England was certainly a symbol and a figure who served as a model for the whole world. No lady of her time knew how to represent nobility and distinction as well as Elizabeth II. Moreover, to be compared to her in any aspect was always a sign of the highest praise for the entire female gender.

As much as the whole world knew of her serious health situation, and even considering her advanced age, the world did not cease to be surprised by the news of her death. Something of great magnitude had occurred, an important date, a fact worthy of marking a “before” and an “after” in contemporary history.

And all this for a simple reason: she did not represent the dying nobility as it unfortunately appears today, but she brought to the years she lived the glories and charms of a royalty that dominated the civilization of past centuries. The sympathy, admiration and attraction exercised by her throughout the world and for so long – most especially in the English people – is proof that within every man, however egalitarian and anarchist he may wish to appear, there sleeps another man inclined to serve and to delight in what is higher, and who recognizes the superiority and worth of authentic nobility.

The pages to come…

With the ceasing of the lines written in the book of Elizabeth II, how shall the next pages be written? What will be the role of Charles III and how will he be portrayed?

The “after” depends exactly upon this. All of the solemnities and traditions for the burial of the Queen would be of little use if they were to bury the good customs that Elizabeth II promoted and, even more, symbolized.

The “author” of the next book, Charles III, will follow the example so perfectly executed by his mother, or he will not. Will he choose instead to erect an ecological and modernist shell, more inclined to recycling and reusing, aligning the margins on the left, with examples that neither illustrate nor encourage the good customs?

If this should unfortunately happen, he will write a story without a happy ending; an ending which will culminate in the tarnishing of the formidable reputation of his predecessor and an enormous number of golden pages.

God forbid! God save the Queen!

Compiled by Sandra Chisholm

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