A Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

On July 16, 1251, Our Lady appeared to St. Simon Stock and gave him the Scapular of Carmel.

Newsroom (16/07/2022 7:00 PM Gaudium Press) The Carmelites venerate the Mother of God Under the invocation of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, for it was on Mount Carmel that Elijah had the vision of the little cloud that represented Her. The Carmelite Order began on this mountain, formed by hermits dedicated to contemplation and prayer, giving origin to the invocation known as Our Lady of Mount Carmel.

On July 16, 1251, St. Simon Stock begged Our Lady for help in solving a problem of the Carmelite Order, of which he was the Prior General. While he was praying, the Virgin appeared to him, carrying the Scapular in her hands, and said these comforting words: “Most beloved son, receive the Scapular of your Order, a special sign of my fraternal friendship, a privilege for you and for all Carmelites. Those who die wearing this Scapular will not suffer the fires of Hell. It is a sign of salvation, support and protection in dangers, and a covenant of peace for ever.”

Our Lady, the best of all mothers, wants for her devout children not only spiritual but also temporal benefits. Thus, whoever wears her Scapular receives from Her special protection from the dangers of daily life.

Prayer to Our Lady of Mount Carmel

O Virgin of Mount Carmel, loving Mother of all the faithful, but especially of those who wear your sacred Scapular, in whose number I am said to be included, intercede for me before the throne of the Most High.

Grant that, after a truly Christian life, I may expire clothed in this holy habit and, by delivering me from the fires of Hell, as you promised, I may merit to escape as soon as possible, through your powerful intercession, from the flames of Purgatory.

O most sweet Virgin, you have said that the Scapular is a defence against danger, a sign of your intimate love and a bond of everlasting alliance between you and your children. Grant then, most loving Mother, that it may unite me to Thee in perpetuity and free my soul from sin forever.

In proof of my gratitude and fidelity, I offer myself entirely to you, consecrating to you this day my eyes, ears, mouth, heart and whole being. And because I belong entirely to You, keep and defend me as Your child and servant.


Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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