African cardinal: Homosexual Marriage is an Abomination


The Cardinal noted that marriage between man and woman is what the Creator desires. So the Cardinal prayed to God to make these newlyweds strong. 

Newsroom (23/04/2022 6:24 PM Gaudium Press) On Easter Sunday at mass that he presided over at the Cathedral of St Paul in Plateau, His Eminence Jean-Pierre Cardinal Kutwa of Côte d’Ivoire congratulated the faithful who received baptism during the Easter vigil, as well as those who, after baptism, were united before the Lord.

He then took the opportunity to expound that marriage is exclusively between man and woman: “Whereas in the past we found it normal, today we are told that this marriage is outdated. Abomination! Outdated for marriage between a man and a man? A woman and a woman? Abomination! Oh Lord, take this away from us,” he said. 

The Cardinal noted that marriage between man and woman is what the Creator desires. So the Cardinal prayed to God to make these newlyweds strong. May their marriage not be for one day, but all days. He also urged them to be ambassadors, witnesses of Jesus Christ who is love in the world.

Before the Cardinal, the chaplain of the Catholic Women’s Association (Afec) of the diocese, Father Assamoi Hugues Dimitri, during a recollection on Sunday, March 27, 2022, on the theme of the pastoral year of the diocese of Abidjan, “Love and truth meet, justice and peace embrace,” addressed various topics. He spoke of the corruption of morals, with forms that he described as “a type of hybrid and false love that people try to make us admit subtly.” He denounced TV films in which homosexual couples kiss. On this issue, the priest said that homosexuals are men who enjoy all the prerogatives of human beings. However, the Catholic Church does not accept their sexual practices. “The norm is one man and one woman. He advised that they have to fight to get out of their inclination,” he advised. And he added: “It is their actions that are condemned, not their person. For the priest, behind this promotion of homosexuality by the new world order, lies a fight against the family and marriage.”

He took the opportunity to explain that Pope Francis asks to accept homosexuals as human beings, but their weaknesses should not be established as norms. “In Africa, we are not ready to accept this,” he said. According to him, Senegalese President Macky Sall, a Muslim, has the same point of view as the Catholic Church. He told the then US President Barack Obama on June 27, 2013, that banning homosexuality is not homophobic.

Regarding the law on homosexuality, Adama Bictogo, the Vice President of the Ivorian National Assembly, spoke out after the plenary session that rejected the law: “Our cultural values prohibit homosexuality,” he said. He said that the elected representatives of the Ivorian people would not under any circumstances vote for a law that would call into question moral and cultural values. “(…) Côte d’Ivoire is subscribed to heterosexuality. And for us, marriage is between a man and a woman,” he said.


Compiled by Raju Hasmukh

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