American Elementary School Promotes “After School Satan” Program

American Elementary School Promotes "After School Satan" Program

An elementary school in the US has announced an “After School Satan” program organized by the Satanic Temple for first through fifth graders, drawing the furor of parents.  

Newsroom (01/13/2022 1:44 AM, Gaudium Press) Students at Jane Addams Elementary School in Illinois, USA, have been invited to participate in the After School Satan Club Program on five different dates throughout the semester, according to a flyer posted online.

The After School Satan Club meetings will include science projects, puzzles, games, craft projects, and a snack. The flyer also says that children will learn benevolence, empathy, personal sovereignty, and problem-solving.

School Board Statement

Faced with parental opposition, a spokesperson for the Moline-Coal Valley School District Board issued a statement, remarking that the district has “administrative policies and procedures that allow community use of its publicly funded facilities outside of school hours.”

Such activities include opportunities for religious groups, regardless of denomination, to “rent our facilities for a fee,” the spokesperson conveyed, noting that Christian groups receive the same prospects as the Satanic Temple.

The Satanic Temple’s approach includes videos with reversed audio and images of children interspersed with spiders, goats with long horns and other satanic symbols. The group calls on students to “learn and have fun” with Satanism.

“More and more, one finds that humanity is moving toward the unthinkable, the absurd, where good and evil are equated,” voiced a parent. “In fact, when people turn away from God, they lose their common sense and reach the heinous and the horrendous: they push souls into the clutches of Satan, who promises what he will precisely take away: eternal happiness,” concluded another.

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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