American Epidemiologist Questions Vatican’s Code of Ethics on Vaccination Policy

American Epidemiologist Questions Vatican's Code of Ethics on Vaccination Policy

Dr. Peter McCullough is a Dallas-based internist, cardiologist, and epidemiologist who has 54 peer-reviewed publications on COVID-19 to his name and has testified in front of the U.S. Senate on the pandemic response. He has also called on the Vatican to “immediately start a public interest campaign on vaccine injuries and vaccine deaths.”

Newsroom (16/02/2022 11:27 AM Gaudium Press) Dr. Peter McCullough has called on the Vatican to immediately drop its vaccine advocacy and mandates, warning that its position on the jabs makes it complicit in vaccine deaths and violation of a critical code of bioethics. Dr McCullough is a world leading epidemiologist and has testified in front of the U.S. Senate on the pandemic response.  

Speaking over the phone to Edward Pentin on Feb. 11, 2022, he said “the Vatican should drop all mandates, drop all restrictions, and drop all advocacy or concern for the vaccines. The Vatican immediately should start a public interest campaign on vaccine injuries and vaccine deaths. They should formally apologize for taking a position on the vaccines that’s been deleterious and they will have to account for potentially hundreds of thousands of lives lost due to the vaccine worldwide because the Vatican has violated what’s called the Nuremberg Code — the Vatican has violated a critical code of bioethics and they must immediately recognize this. They must immediately apologize for this grievous error that they’ve committed. The Nuremberg Code states that no one under any conditions must apply any pressure, coercion or threat of reprisal for any medical treatment or procedure done, and particularly when the procedure is new, it’s investigational, it’s experimental, and we don’t know the outcomes.”

McCullough, a Methodist, felt compelled to speak up as he sees the loss of life from the vaccines and their adverse effects as unacceptable and those who fail to resist as complicit in a crime. “I cannot stand by and watch this happen without speaking out,” he said. “I do not see how any Christian can.”

Despite the Vatican teaching that vaccination “is not, as a rule, a moral obligation and that, therefore, it must be voluntary.” McCullough alerts that the Vatican now mandates all employees and visitors — except for those attending liturgies and papal audiences — to be fully vaccinated or have recently recovered from the virus to enter its territory.

For details about the clinical issues, we refer the reader directly to the full conversation article here.

 Compiled by Raju Hasmukh

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