Arch. Gänswein: There is a Movement Trying to Destroy Ratzinger’s Work


The secretary of Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI granted an interview to Corriere Della Sera on the “vile attack” against Benedict XVI.  

Newsroom (14/02/2022 11:58 AM, Gaudium Press) Arch. Georg Gänswein, personal secretary of Benedict XVI, has declared to Corriere Della Sera that there is a movement that not only wants to destroy the life and work of Benedict XVI but also seeks to erase him from the official memory of the Church.

There is a movement “that really wants to destroy the person and the work” of Benedict XVI. This current “has never loved him as an individual, his theology, his pontificate“, Arch. Gänswein assured.

The archbishop’s statements came after a letter from Benedict XVI about the ‘revelations’ of the Archdiocese of Munich’s sexual abuse report by the Westpfahl-Spilker-Wastl law firm the publication of a document by four jurists refuting that Report.

Pope Benedict XVI clarified that, as Munich’s ordinary, he never entrusted a pastoral office to an abusive priest. Jurists who have studied the corresponding minutes support that assertion.

Arch. Gänswein spoke of the “vile attack” made on Benedict XVI. In response to the Report, the Emeritus Pontiff had stated not attending a meeting discussing the fate of an abusive priest. Benedict himself corrected the mistake due to an editing error by one of his assistants. Yet, the amendment corrected the main point: the priest was not assigned a pastoral work but only received in Munich for treatment.

Those who know Benedict XVI “know that the accusation of having lied is absurd,” Arch. Gänswein stressed, emphasizing that Benedict XVI’s “moral and intellectual honesty is very high,” consistent with the fact that “I have never found in him any shadow or attempt to hide or minimize anything.”

Those who lived with the emeritus pope know very well “what Joseph Ratzinger-Benedict XVI said and did with regard to the whole question of paedophilia.”

“He was the first to act as cardinal and then continued the line of transparency as pope,” Archbishop Gänswein continued. “Already, during the pontificate of John Paul II, he changed the current mentality and marked the line that Pope Francis follows.”

With National Catholic Register information.

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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