Archbishop of Naples Against the Mafia: “Go Back to Being Human! Be Converted!“

mimmo battaglia

The Mafia is killing Naples, affirms Archbishop Domenico Battaglia of Naples.

Newsroom (12/10/2021 8:44 PM, Gaudium Press) The Archbishop of Naples used strong words against the Mafia, stating that it should convert.

“They are killing Naples! The trail of blood that is crossing the city these days, causing death to young lives and terror and anguish to entire neighborhoods, streets, families, cannot leave us indifferent,” Archbishop Domenico Battaglia continued in a statement published on the archdiocesan website.

These words, not so commonplace in ecclesiastical language, were pronounced after the murder on October 9 of a 19-year-old man allegedly linked to the Camorra, an Italian criminal organisation that has taken root in southern Italy. Last week, a 23-year-old was also murdered.

The rise in crime is attributed to the growing strength of the Mafia.

Don’t be “accomplices of death paths”

Archbishop Battaglia continues his message to the criminals: “I say: go back to being human! Be converted!” he said. “Your bishop will not hold back in welcoming and accompanying the steps of conversion and the human rebirth of those who will listen to their conscience and the word of the Gospel, laying down their weapons, and undertaking paths of collaboration with justice.”

They are killing Naples!” the prelate repeated. “The Camorra and the underworld are killing it, with the violence and cruelty of those who have forgotten that they are human.”

He noted that people’s indifference and a failure to take a stand against the violence were also destroying the city. Arch. Battaglia also appealed to the mothers of Naples: “Be an instrument of conversion for your children, help your families to repent, be once again the womb that generates life and not accomplices of death paths.”

With CNA information

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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