Archbishop of San Francisco: New Abortion Bill “is nothing more than the sacrifice of children”


The U.S. House of Representatives will study “the most radical abortion bill ever” this week.

Newsroom (September 23, 2021, 10:36 PM, Gaudium Press) Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone of San Francisco in the United States has called the bill to be voted on this week in the U.S. House of Representatives a “sacrifice of children,” and called on the faithful to pray and fast that it will not come to pass.

“This proposed legislation is nothing more than the sacrifice of children,” he said in a statement.

In fact, the bill, introduced by Judy Chu, Democrat of California, is radical: it establishes that women have a “legal right” to abortion and formalizes the “right” of doctors, midwives, nurses, and physician assistants to perform abortions.

It also eliminates the limitations on abortion in place in some states, such as the requirement to have an ultrasound or to have a waiting period before performing the procedure.

A heinous wrong codified as law

“Any reasonable person with a basic sense of morality and a hint of decency cannot but be horrified at such a heinous evil codified into law,” declared Msgr. Cordileone.

Likewise, the bill eliminates all prohibitions on abortion before the so-called ‘viability’ of the unborn child – that is, the presumed physical conditions for survival outside the womb – and would also allow abortions in the last months of gestation without “significant limits,” according to the U.S. bishops, who described it as “the most radical abortion bill ever.”

Furthermore, the bill would “force all Americans to support abortion here and abroad with their tax dollars,” and “would also force health care providers and professionals to perform, aid and/or recommend abortion against their beliefs, and force employers and insurers to cover or pay for abortion,” said Msgr. Joseph Naumann, chairman of the U.S. bishops’ pro-life committee.

It is also a bill that reveals the abortionists’ true intentions, in Msgr. Cordileone’s words, because it “shows what radical extremes our country’s supposedly ‘pro-choice’ advocates will go to in order to protect what they hold most sacred: the right to kill innocent human beings in the womb.”

With information from Catholic World.

Compiled by Sarah Gangl

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