Archdiocese Criticizes Mexico Supreme Court’s ‘tireless interest’ in Decriminalizing Abortion


The Primatial Archdiocese of Mexico has voiced its strong opposition to the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation’s (SCJN) efforts to decriminalize abortion in the country.

Newsdesk (27/06/2023 20:16, Gaudium Press) In an editorial published in its weekly publication, Desde la Fe (“From the point of view of faith”), the archdiocese criticized a recent decision by the SCJN’s First Chamber that allows women to challenge laws penalizing abortion even if they are not pregnant.

The archdiocese raised concerns about this decision, asserting that it enables organizations that profit from abortion to use appeals to challenge state penal codes and advocate for the liberalization of abortion. The SCJN’s ruling, with a majority vote of 4-1, recognized that being a woman or having the capacity to gestate is sufficient grounds to challenge abortion regulations through a court appeal.

Marcial Padilla, a pro-life leader and director of the ConParticipation platform, described the SCJN’s decision as imposing abortion nationwide through appeals. He pointed out that under this ruling, a woman who is not yet pregnant can file an appeal and later have an abortion without the law being applicable in that case.

The archdiocese highlighted a specific case in the state of Aguascalientes where an organization claiming to “protect women” has requested an appeal against the state’s penal code on abortion. The archdiocese questioned the need for a woman to protect herself from her own child to the extent of taking its life. It criticized the organization’s discourse, labelling it as sophistry, lies, and an attempt to dehumanize life at its beginning.

The editorial also raised concerns about the SCJN’s approach to protecting the life of unborn children in gradations. It questioned the scientific, philosophical, legal, and human rights criteria that support the concept of protecting life in gradations, rather than unconditionally.

The archdiocese expressed worry that the judicial branch is overturning what has been regulated by the legislative and executive branches. It noted the violation of human rights and the disregard for the respect of life in laws and judicial interpretations.

While emphasizing that there is no intention to imprison women who have had an abortion, the archdiocese called for the continued denouncement of the instrumentalization and unequal valuation of human life by the abortion industry. It concluded by praying for pregnant women to find the strength to choose life and called on society and the government to support pregnant women in difficult circumstances.

  • Raju Hasmukh with files from CNA
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