Are you a Goat or a Sheep?


Facing the serious reality of the Judgment, into which category of souls do you, dear reader, fit? Are you included in the number of the good sheep, or are you part of the flock of the rebellious goats?

Newsroom (31/12/2022 09:39, Gaudium PressImmense and verdant pastures populated by flocks of sheep, lambs, goats, and kids: this is the curious scenery often contemplated far from the big cities.

These little animals have something special about them, which leads them to be mentioned by the Redeemer in his parables, intended for the instruction of men throughout history.

Known for their docility and obedience to the shepherd’s voice, sheep were created by God as figures of righteous souls. In fact, just as these delightful creatures are happy to be near their guide and listen to his orders – which guarantee their safety and nourishment – the true children of light seek the salutary presence of the Lord, are nourished by his grace and are pleased to submit to the teachings of the Holy Church. They are never attacked by the “wolves” of temptations, nor are they surprised by the “dense forest” of mortal sins.

The goats, on the other hand, are of a different kind… Not very obedient, they have fun running away from their shepherds and venturing into unknown places. Some species, which inhabit the mountains, spend their days risking themselves by jumping over craggy rocks and over amazing cliffs! They are a symbol of the sinful souls who constantly put their eternal salvation at risk by living in a lax and reckless manner amidst the snares of the devil, the world, and the flesh. These boast of being away from the preaching, the Sacraments, and the life of the Church; therefore, from the sweet care of Jesus, the Divine Shepherd.

The distinction between some animals and others, pointed out in the Gospel, is not without reason: “When the Son of Man returns in his glory, and all the angels with him, […] all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate them one from another as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on His right hand and the goats on His left” (Mt 25:31-33).

Faced with this serious reality, into which category of souls do you, dear reader, fit? Are you included in the number of the good sheep, or are you part of the flock of the rebellious goats?

If you are an “old soul”, rejoice! Under the constant shelter and protection of the Savior, your life will always be blessed: you will lack no good thing, and in the days of trouble He Himself will become your Guide. You are the true heir of the Lord’s promise: “I give them eternal life; they shall never perish, and no one shall snatch them out of my hand” (John 10:28). In view of this, give thanks for such a gift and pray to be preserved in this good disposition.

However, if, with sadness and regret, you have found that you belong to the group of goats, I have a message of confidence for you today: Our Lady

Among the favors granted by Providence at the moment of our Baptism, none can compare to the fact that we are children of Our Lady. She is Mother of Mercy for the children of the Church, whether they are just or wicked; and just as she supports the former, she prays for the latter, drawing them to the paths of holiness.

Whoever wishes to abandon the path of evil, has recourse to the infallible intercession of Mary, the most powerful Shepherdess of the elect. Her maternal care corrects any “mischief” and endows the sinner with the qualities of a sheep. Under her protection one can easily pass from the left to the right of Jesus and, as a result, be safe on Judgment Day.

Whether we are among the “sheep” or the “goats”, let us not waste time: just as these two creatures, each in its own way, glorify the Creator by their existence, let us also praise the One who has redeemed us. May the perseverance of the faithful proclaim the strength of divine grace, and may the miseries of the weak extol the omnipotent mercy of God and Mary!

Text extracted from the magazine Heralds of the Gospel n. 240, December 2021.

Compiled by Camille Mittermeier


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