Benedict XVI’s Advice: How to Alleviate the Suffering of the Ukrainian People


The Bavarian Interior Minister spoke with Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI on the occasion of his 95th birthday.

Newsroom (05/05/2022 19:00, Gaudium Press) In a meeting with the Bavarian Minister of the Interior, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI shared some advice on how to alleviate the suffering of the Ukrainian people.

Minister Joachim Herrmann’s visit to the Vatican monastery of Mater Ecclesiae took place on the occasion of the Pope Emeritus’ 95th birthday on this past 16 April.

The German press thus quoted the Pope Emeritus: “Only through the joint cohesion of state, society and churches, with the personal commitment of thousands of women and men, can we avoid a humanitarian catastrophe and alleviate the suffering of the people”.

The minister, in his visit, wished Benedict “all the best, especially much health and, of course, God’s blessings.” Herrmann expressed to the Pope Emeritus, “on behalf of the Bavarian State Government and the Bavarian Prime Minister, the best congratulations from my native homeland of Bavaria.”

Compiled by Sandra Chisholm

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