The miracle usually occurs three times a year:
First Sunday in May;
September 19, the feast of San Gennaro;
December 16, the anniversary of the eruption of Vesuvius in 1631.
Italy – Naples (02/05/2022 10:34, Gaudium Press) One of the most famous miracles of the Catholic Church was repeated last Saturday, April 30: the blood of San Gennaro was liquefied in the Italian city of Naples. This miracle usually occurs three times a year: on the first Sunday in May; on the feast of San Gennaro, celebrated on September 19; and on December 16, when the miracle produced by the intercession of the Saint that averted a catastrophe after the eruption of the Vesuvius volcano in 1631 is remembered.
Usually, the ampoules containing the Saint’s blood are exposed to the public during these dates and carried in procession, beginning at the Basilica of Santa Clara, where they are kept throughout the year. After three years of waiting, the procession with the valuable relics took place with thousands of faithful attending.
The blood still flows!
In his homily, the Archbishop of Naples, Monsignor Domenico Battaglia, emphasized: “Blood still flows! It flows in our Europe,” and none of us “can turn our backs on it.” He then stated that he was not indifferent to Russia’s war against Ukraine.
“Too often the words of Faith are distorted and used to motivate or cover up the reasons of one over the other when the Gospel has a single new and essential word that has always cried out to the hearts of men: peace, peace, peace!” he stressed.
Finally, the prelate affirmed that “the pandemic should have taught us that no one can be saved alone, that only together can we build a society renewed in love. Instead, an individualistic hemorrhage seems to take over our society.” (EPC)
Compiled by Gustavo Kralj