Breaking News: Bells of Dozens of European Cathedrals Ring in Support of Ukraine


“We do not want to remain silent in the face of the war in Ukraine. The bells rang for 7 minutes, each minute for one day of this absurd war,” says the European Association of Cathedral Architects of Europe. The Catholic World voices its support for Ukraine.  

Newsroom (03/03/2022 11:06 AM, Gaudium Press) The bells of dozens of cathedrals in Spain, Germany, Czech Republic, Norway, France, Switzerland, Warsaw, England, in short, all over Europe, rang today at noon for seven minutes. “We remember the dead of all the countries involved, […] we carry in our thoughts all those who are affected by this war, […] we pray for peace, and we will express our gratitude when the guns fall silent,” read a Press release launched by the European Association of Cathedral Architects of Europe.
The Communiqué further affirms: “we do not want to remain silent in the face of the war in Ukraine. The bells rang for 7 minutes, each minute for one day of this absurd war,” launched on February 24 by Russia.
In this way, the Association declares its “solidarity with the people who must endure this war and fear for their lives, who must organize their resistance against a superior power, (…) who have the courage to protest against the makers of war in their country. We mourn the dead of all the countries involved.”
Even the great bell of Notre-Dame of Paris, which had not rung since October 2020 to honor the victims of the attack on the Notre-Dame basilica in Nice, also rang on Thursday at noon, “asking for peace in Europe.”

Some religious communities in Germany joined the initiative, ringing the bells of their churches in solidarity with the Ukrainian people.

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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