Burgos Cathedral celebrates 800 years


The Cathedral of Burgos is the only Spanish CathedralCathedral declared Patrimony of Humanity by UNESCO 

Newsdesk (July 21, 2021 8:23 PM, Gaudium Press)- On Tuesday, July 20, the Spanish city of Burgos celebrated eight centuries of the life of its Cathedral. Since 1984, the temple is the only Spanish Cathedral declared Patrimony of Humanity by Unesco independently and without being united to the city’s historic centre.

Bells rang throughout the city, announcing the beginning of the celebrations, started by procession of crosses and banners from all the archpriests. They proceeded through the streets around the temple. The solemn procession entered the Cathedral through the Holy Door, opened to celebrate the Jubilee Year.

Eucharistic Celebration presided by the Archbishop of Burgos

The Holy Mass, presided by Archbishop Mario Iceta, Archbishop of Burgos, was attended by representatives of all the diocesan pastoral ministries, civil, military, and academic authorities. Among the illustrious attendees was the Cardinal Archbishop of Valladolid, Ricardo Blázquez; Most. Rev. Luis Argüello, elected spokesman and secretary-general of the Episcopal Conference; the Archbishop Francisco Pérez of Pamplona; the Bishop of Santander, Most Rev. Manuel Sánchez; the Bishop of Astorga, Most Rev. Jesús Fernández; and the emeritus bishops of Burgos, Most Rev.Fidel Herráez, and Jaén, Most Rev. Ramón del Hoyo. 

In his homily, Archbishop Mario Iceta recalled that on July 20, 1221, Bishop Mauricio blessed the first stone of “an imposing edifice of Faith” that stands firm after eight centuries.

Pulchra est et Decora

According to the prelate, the Cathedral of Burgos is “a dwelling of love and mercy,” a “cultural, economic, social and promotional paradigm of the first order,” thanks to people and institutions who, for 800 years, “have cared for it and spoiled it with affection.”

He also noted that the atrium of Santa Maria represents the ultimate and theological meaning of the Cathedral. The atrium sings of the excellencies of the Mother of God: “Pulchra est et Decora” (“She is pure and beautiful”). King Ferdinand III, responsible for constructing the Cathedral, entrusted himself to Our Lady using these exact words. Arch. Mario Iceta addressed the Mother of God in the same way, asking for an end to the pandemic.

Flybys over Burgos Cathedral

The Symphonic Orchestra of Burgos and the Orfeón Burgalés choir animated the Eucharistic celebration with liturgical songs. After the Holy Mass, tributes from Burgalese society were made to the Cathedral. With its seven C-101 fighter planes, the’ Eagle Patrol’ performed flybys over the Cathedral.

Then it was the turn of the Benedictine monks of St. Dominic of Silos. The monks paid their respects by singing vespers. The day concluded with the RTVE Orchestra, fireworks, and a show by the local artist Rozalén at Burgos Coliseum. (EPC)

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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