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Calls for Same-sex Blessings, Change Catechism on Homosexuality Mark End of German ‘Synodal Way’ Meeting

Calls for Same-sex Blessings and Change Catechism on Homosexuality Mark End of German ‘Synodal Way’ Meeting
Bp Bätzing. Credit: Archive

The Synodal Assembly, the supreme decision-making body of the German Synodal Way is proposing “passages 2357-2359 and 2396 (homosexuality and chastity) of the Catechism should be revised” as part of a “re-evaluation of homosexuality.” The changes also extend to the Catechism teachings regarding conjugal fertility and regulation of conception.

Frankfurt, Germany (08/02/2022 9:00 AM Gaudium Press)  – A plenary meeting of the German Catholic Church’s “Synodal Way” ended on Saturday 5 Feb 2022.  On the last day, participants endorsed a total of four documents.

They endorsed further discussion of a text on the “Magisterial reassessment of homosexuality” with 174 votes in favour, 22 against, and 7 abstentions.

The text says that “passages 2357-2359 and 2396 (homosexuality and chastity) of the Catechism should be revised” as part of a “re-evaluation of homosexuality.” The votes came on the final day of the third meeting of the Synodal Assembly, the supreme decision-making body of the Synodal Way, in Frankfurt, southwestern Germany.

Participants also backed a document on Feb. 5 entitled “Blessing celebrations for couples who love each other” by 161 votes to 34, with 11 abstentions, reported CNA Deutsch.

The text “Magisterial statements on conjugal love” was accepted for further consideration by 169 votes to 30, with 6 abstentions.

The document, which also calls for alterations to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, says: “Spouses take responsibility for the timing of becoming parents, for the number of their children as well as the various methods of family planning. This is done in mutual respect and personal conscience.”

“In this sense, in the Catechism should be amended: 2366 and 23672396 (conjugal fertility), 2368-23702399 (regulation of conception).”

The last text approved on Feb. 5, the “Basic order of serving in the Church,” appeals for reform of employment laws in the local Catholic Church, which is the second-largest employer after the state in Germany. It passed its first reading by 181 votes to 13, with 11 abstentions.

The next Synodal Assembly will take place in Frankfurt on Sept. 8-10. The Synodal Way is expected to end in spring 2023, ahead of the Synod on Synodality in Rome in October next year.

(with CNA files)
Compiled by Raju Hasmukh

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