Cambodia: 185 Young People Baptized During Easter Vigil


They Received the Sacraments after Completing an Intentional Journey of Knowledge, Deepening and Discernment of the Christian Faith.


Phnom Penh –  Cambodia(05/04/2024 15:00, Gaudium Press) On March 30, during the Easter Vigil, 185 catechumens from the Apostolic Vicariate of Phnom Penh received the Sacrament of Baptism, along with the other sacraments of Christian initiation: Confirmation and the Eucharist.

Catechumens From Various Regions

These catechumens come from different districts of Phnom Penh, represent a sign of hope for the small Catholic community, which have around 20,000 faithful in a nation of 17 million people. They received the sacraments after completing an itinerary of knowledge, deepening and discernment about the Christian Faith.

Olivier Schmitthaeusler, Vicar Apostolic of Phnom Penh, urged the young people to “pray like Jesus, both in difficulties and in joy”, and to “pray like Mary”, because it is important to “always keep the relationship with God and the community alive, also putting ourselves at the service of pastoral needs, in the spirit of being ‘loving servants’ of the community”.

A Sign That God’s work is Bearing Fruit

During the ceremony, the prelate called each of the candidates by name in front of the altar, inviting them to write their names in the diocesan register, and then laid his hand on them. During the liturgical ritual, all the candidates received a purple scarf as a sign of their preparation for Baptism.

In 2023, the Catholic Church in Cambodia baptized a total of 397 young people during the Easter Vigil: 167 in the Apostolic Prefecture of Battambang, 126 in the Prefecture of Kampong Cham and 104 adults in Phnom Penh. For the Vicar Apostolic of Phnom Penh, this constant presence of young and adult catechumens is a sign that “God’s work is bearing fruit in the Cambodian Church, which is alive and growing“. (EPC)

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Compiled by Florence MacDonald

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