Canada: in Moncton, NB, those Attending Mass “shall be Doubly Vaccinated”


Starting today, September 22, the Archdiocese of Moncton, in the province of New Brunswick (eastern Canada), requires that the faithful be doubly vaccinated to attend religious services.

Newsroom (September 22,2021 8:28 PM, Gaudium Press) Health Minister Dorothy Shepard met with religious leaders in the province after the announcement of new measures regarding the pandemic. She stated that vaccination remains the best way to contain the spread of the Delta variant of the coronavirus and protect the population, namely the unvaccinated.

Thus, the Archbishop of Moncton, Monsignor Valéry Vienneau, issued a note, stating that “as of Wednesday, September 22, in “at any gathering inside our churches, rectories or building under our supervision, those present shall be doubly vaccinated. 

Gatherings include “religious celebrations (Sunday and weekly masses, prayer meetings, baptisms, weddings and funerals, Confirmation, First Reconciliation, First Communion), parish and pastoral meetings, catechesis meetings, management meetings, conferences, workshops, etc.” 

Those present include “priests, lay ministers, members of choirs, volunteers, the faithful and other participants. This also applies to family members or close friends at baptisms, weddings, or funerals. Young people under the age of 12 are naturally exempted by this measure, as they cannot currently be vaccinated.”

The update also states that “it is highly desirable for parish employees to be fully vaccinated. If this is not the case, they will have to wear a mask at all times and undergo a COVID test periodically according to government policy. 

With diomoncton information.

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