Canada: Thousands Turn Up for Post Pandemic National March for Life

March for Life, Ottawa, Canada. Photocredits: Gustavo Kralj/

The 25th Annual March for Life in Canada attracted thousands of supporters after two years of pandemic lockdowns and restrictions.

Newsroom (13/05/2022 10:54 AM Gaudium Press) The annual National March for Life organized by Campaign Life Coalition was a success as thousands of Canadians marched through the city of Ottawa to voice their support for the dignity of unborn children and to call for an end to abortion. Every May, National March for Life is to mark that Day of Infamy in 1969 when the federal government, under Prime Minister Pierre Elliot Trudeau, passed the omnibus bill to decriminalize abortion. The bill passed despite the fact that neither the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms nor the Supreme Court of Canada established any “right to abortion.” The limits on the original abortion rights in 1988 were knocked down by the courts under Prime Minister Brian Mulroney.

Fifty-three years later, some 4 million preborn babies have been killed in the womb. Each day, almost 300 Canadian women undergo an abortion, while more than 15 vulnerable Canadians were killed by euthanasia or assisted suicide that same day. The Trudeau government in Canada wishes to extend euthanasia to mentally ill patients.

In addition to the legal silence regarding abortion, six of 10 provinces — British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia, and Newfoundland & Labrador — have gone as far as prohibiting pro-life advocates from witnessing outside abortion facilities with “bubble zone” legislation.

The event kicked off at 12:30 p.m., on a beautiful, almost summer-like day where temperatures hit summer-like high of 30 degrees, with a rally on Parliament Hill, followed by a 1:30 p.m. march through Ottawa’s downtown core, ending with Silent No More Awareness testimonies. The theme was “I AM,” which is the Name of God and asserts the recognition of the life and humanity of the unborn child and the elderly. The motto could be seen among a collection of “I am wonderfully and fearfully made” signs during the rally. A mass preceded the march at the Notre Dame Cathedral, Ottawa.

While most of those in attendance were there in support of the march, there was also a collection of pro-abortion activists holding signs in favour of a woman’s “right” to an abortion.

Additional rallies for life will are scheduled in other provincial capitals, on May 13, 2022. 

By Raju Hasmukh

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