Cardinal Muller: The "fateful" election in the U.S. will determine the future of human rights worldwide


The former Prefect of the Doctrine of the Faith delivered remarks pointing at upcoming and long-lasting generational impacts tied to the results of the American elections, next November 3rd. “It is about the irreconcilable alternatives of democracy or dictatorship”, he said, referring to the American model and the Chinese communist dictatorship.

cardinal muller
Cardinal Muller. Photo: Gaudiumpress

Newsroom (October 5, 2020 9:10 pm Gaudium Press)The statements of Cardinal Gerhard Muller, given last week in an interview with Breitbart News, point to great historical depths. He ventured into a difficult field, and he did so decisively:

“The outcome of the U.S. election will determine whether the U.S. remains the leading power in the world — for freedom and democracy — or whether a communist dictatorship will assume that role for the global community,” the German Cardinal said. In other words, what happens in the U.S. on November 3 will decisively affect the entire globe.

This is not a sporting competition.

“The world is looking to America because this fateful election will determine the future of democracy and human rights for decades to come.”

“The rivalry between the U.S. and Communist China is not a sporting competition for the first or second place of superpowers,” he continued. “It is about the irreconcilable alternatives of democracy or dictatorship.”

“From World War II to the Cold War, the free world owes the American people the salvation of Western civilization, which has its foundation in the freedom and dignity of every person”. But now that legacy is being “challenged” by China.

He even invites the American nation to confront the hegemony that seeks to establish China on the globe, for the interest of the Chinese people itself:

“Because the U.S. is the first power in the free world, it must also put a stop to the imperialist grip of a communist superpower that seeks world domination and allow the Chinese people and other oppressed peoples to enter the community and solidarity of free peoples.”

Therefore, he calls on Catholics, and also Christians, to look deeply at the implications of this choice, from “truth of the absolute value of every individual person” and “freedom of religion” to the “deeper dimensions of what is at stake at this moment in world history, rather than offering a judgment based on subjective sensibilities and ideological preferences.”

“Three points are decisive in the upcoming elections,” Müller summarized. “First, the ‘yes’ to life against abortion, second, freedom of religion against the mainstreaming of gender ideology, and third, the mission of the United States to defend democracy and human rights against dictatorships.”

The Cardinal’s declarations frame a distinct moment in the presidential race, with Biden openly campaigning on a plan to enshrine unlimited abortion into federal law at taxpayer expense.

With information from LifeSiteNews

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