Cardinal Pell travels to Rome


The statement issued after the resignation of the rights of Cardinal Becciu raises not a few suspicions.

cardinal pell

Newsroom (September 30, 2020 8:00pm Gaudium Press)  What is the connection between the accusations now facing Cardinal George Pell, released from prison in April after the Australian Supreme Court’s acquittal, and the resignation of Cardinal Becciu?

It seems that in the mind of the Australian cardinal the connections are strong. Namely in view of his recent statement following the news that the Italian cardinal had met with the Pontiff and his resignation had been decided: “The Holy Father has elected to clean up Vatican finances. He plays a long game and is to be thanked and congratulated on recent developments. I hope the cleaning of the stables continues in both the Vatican and Victoria.” 

Why Victoria? Because Cardinal Pell believes that police of that city organized a real witch-hunt, resulting in the accusation that he was guilty of sexual abuse of two altar boys; this accusation kept him in prison for 13 months and was finally dismissed by the highest Australian court.

However, the legal concerns have not ceased for the Australian Cardinal, who for many already sports the halo of the martyrs, given the persecution to which he has been subjected.

Now the report of a royal commission

After his acquittal, a royal commission on child abuse presented the Australian parliament with a 100-page report on alleged findings indicating that Cardinal Pell was aware of children being abused in the Archdiocese of Ballarat by the notorious pedophile priest Gerald Ridsdale and other priests.

The underlying accusation of this report, however, is that it was “implausible” that other Church figures did not inform the Cardinal that the abuse was occurring, thus making it an inference rather than a proof.

Many analysts, (and even Pell himself?), seem to see in this report a strong connection with the work he was doing at the Secretariat of the Economy of the Holy See, making some powerful people in the Eternal City feel quite uncomfortable.

Now Cardinal Pell is heading back to Rome, via Qatar. According to some, the reason for his trip is to definitively vacate the apartment he owned there. According to others, however, he wants to verify if the “stable”  he recently referred to will finally be put in order.

With information from The Guardian

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