Cardinal Sarah Publishes New Book on the Priesthood


In his new book “For Eternity: A Meditation on the Figure of the Priest”, Cardinal Sarah clearly addresses the crisis in the Church, the priesthood, and seminaries

Newsroom (17/11/2021 11:45 AM, Gaudium Press) “Pour l’éternité: Méditations sur La Figure Du Prêtres” is the title of Cardinal Sarah’s new book released November 17 in French to European markets. A kindle version will be made available in North American markets on December 22 (also in French).  

In it, the Cardinal urges that a reform of the clergy is the solution to the crisis in the Church.

Published by Fayard publishing house, the French publisher who published other recent works of Cardinal Sarah including, “From the Depths of our Hearts: Priesthood, Celibacy, and the Crisis of the Catholic Church” written with Pope Benedict.

A book to encourage priests

In an interview for Famille Chétienne, the Cardinal discussed the main themes of the book. The Cardinal explained that first of all, his goal with the book is to show his affection for priests and to encourage them.

The Cardinal recalled cases of priests who committed suicide and for this reason he wants to encourage priests not to lose God and to remain faithful to Christ, as on the day of each one’s priestly ordination.

Above all, the Cardinal wants the book to be a work of reflection for priests and explained that the crisis in the Church is “essentially a priestly crisis.”

It is the Saints who change the Church, not the Structures

While some propose changes in structures to solve the current crisis, Cardinal Sarah proposes a reform of the priesthood and argued by comparing the actions of Luther and St. Francis of Assisi.

Exactly, because those who really reformed the Church were the saints. The example of Luther and St. Francis of Assisi: at the time of both there were the same scandals, the same difficulties to believe in the Church, but one wanted to reform the structures by leaving the Church, while the other wanted to live the Gospel radically. It is the radicality of the Gospel that will reform the Church, not the structures.”

The Cardinal explained that he is not against structures. The organization is useful, but what is essential, according to him, is for the priesthood and society to turn to God. “If hearts are not changed by the Gospel, politics will not change, the economy will not change, human relationships will not change.”

Structures are often in danger, as he explained, “We take refuge behind them. God will not ask for an account of a bishops’ conference, a synod… (of us bishops) He will ask for an account of how we manage our diocese, how we love our priests, and how we accompany them spiritually.”

The Central Role of Prayer in the Priest’s Life

The author explained that his work gives great importance to prayer and exemplifies this with the life of Our Lord, who spent 30 years in prayer before beginning his mission. Priests too, who are a prolongation of Jesus Christ (actem in Persona Christi), are called to a life of prayer.

When asked if priests would have time to dedicate to prayer, since parishes are getting bigger and bigger, the Cardinal replied that the temptation is to want to do too many things. So the priest doesn’t have time to stay before the tabernacle, “acting this way, we empty ourselves of our priestly identity. We lose sight of Jesus Christ whom we must imitate.”

Community life, the Role of Families and Laypeople

The interview also touched on the theme of community life. According to the Cardinal, the priest who lives isolated and doesn’t dialogue with laypeople and priests is in great danger.

In this sense, the Cardinal explained that families can be of great help to them. Families in the parish can invite priests to meals, ask for advice about the education of their children, so they can help the priest to come out of isolation and the priest can learn to live the Gospel with this contact.

About the role of the laity in the Church, the Cardinal explained how the laity can help the priests: “The Second Vatican Council reminded us of the presence of the laity in the Church. And St. Paul also told us: ‘The Church is a body. A body is made up of members.

For this reason, Cardinal Sarah concludes, it is necessary to create a harmonious collaboration. The laity could, for example, help in the organization, take care of the catechumens, etc.

A book Dedicated to Seminarians

The new book is dedicated to seminarians. The intention is to encourage them because they see the crisis in the Church and realize that the situation is difficult. Now the Cardinal urges them:

“I want to tell them: if Christ has called you, he will give you the means to really follow him. Try to imitate Jesus and try to take this call seriously. (…) He will sustain you with his grace, but it is necessary that you be a real man, honest, upright, who has all the human qualities.”

Continuing on seminarians, Cardinal Sarah laments that seminaries have wanted to modernize seminarians by insisting too much on pastoral care and have lost the style thought of by St. Charles Borromeo. “Before sending his disciples out two by two, Jesus first formed them for a long time,” he said.

“The West has killed God”

When asked about the title of a famous book, “France a Mission Country,” Cardinal Sarah said, “Not only France, the whole West has killed God, God doesn’t exist. We have no need of him. God is dead, and we have no need of the one who is dead (…) the proud West thinks it does not need a father.”

Next, the Cardinal explained that the mission of all countries is the discovery of God. That is why it is important for the West to rediscover God and his love through the ministry of priests. But as long as the West remains closed to this rediscovery of God, the mission cannot be fulfilled. (FM)

Compiled by Camille Mittermeier

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