Cardinal Tempesta: “A Small, Silent Prayer Can Have a Significant Effect”

Cardinal Tempesta: "A Small, Silent Prayer Can Have a Significant Effect"

The Pope invited bishops from all around the world and their priests to join him in this consecration.

Rio de Janeiro (03/24/2022 10:45 AM, Gaudium Press) Pope Francis, on the feast of the Annunciation of the Lord, will consecrate humanity, especially Russia and Ukraine, to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady. It is a way of asking Our Lady to protect the people and give them peace. Pope Francis will deliver the prayer of consecration on Friday afternoon at the Vatican in St. Peter’s Basilica. Churches worldwide are invited to join the Pope in prayer at this time and even to ring the bells of their churches for three minutes, asking for peace.

Celebrations in the Archdiocese of San Sebastian in Rio de Janeiro

Here, in our Archdiocese of San Sebastian of Rio de Janeiro, at noon, I will preside the Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, located in Recreio, a replica of the Chapel of Apparitions in Rio de Janeiro. It will be followed by the consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, performed by the Pope and streamed on the big screen of the Shrine. Besides this moment, I will have two other opportunities to renew this consecration, the last one in the evening in the Chapel of the Christ the Redeemer Shrine.

Last Friday, the Pope invited the bishops from all over the world and their priests to join him in this moment. This was a request from Our Lady of Fatima in one of her apparitions. The war between Ukraine and Russia has been going on for a month now, and unfortunately, it is not over. That is why the Pope, besides the appeals and diplomatic actions, has taken this initiative of entrusting these two peoples to the Immaculate Heart of Mary so that they can seal the peace through Mary’s intercession.

24 hours for the Lord: an opportune moment of prayer to ask for peace

Friday also begins the 24 hours for the Lord (Through Christ we have forgiveness (cf. Col 1:13-14), an opportune moment of prayer to ask for peace in prayer, adoration, and penitential celebration. We ask for the conversion of hearts, especially of those who govern the nations, so that once and for all, they can agree to seal the peace. May Mary obtain from her Son the peace that the world needs. After two years of pandemic, in which many people died, what humanity was least expected at that moment was a war. It shows that humanity has learned nothing from the pandemic. But there is still time to convert. We are in an auspicious time for conversion, which is Lent, so through the intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, people may convert, leave war aside and celebrate Easter in the true peace that comes from God.

In the apparition on July 13, 1917, at Fatima, our Lady asked for the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart. Our Lady stated that if this were not done, Russia would spread her errors throughout the world, causing wars and persecutions against the Church. The good would be martyred, the Pope would suffer greatly, several nations would be destroyed.

Acts of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

After the apparitions of Fatima, there were several acts of consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Pope Pius XII consecrated the whole world on October 31, 1942, when World War II was in progress. Then, on July 7, 1952, he specifically consecrated Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary with the Apostolic Letter “Sacro vergente anno,” because of the difficult situation of Christians forced to live as atheists.

Popes Paul VI in 1964 and John Paul II in 1981, 1982 and 1984 renewed this consecration to all humanity. In 1984, Pope John Paul II remembered Our Lady of Fatima’s request and entrusted the peoples of the entire world to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in union with the bishops of the whole world.

The third secret of Fatima

In June 2000, when the Holy See revealed the third secret of Fatima, the then Secretary for the Doctrine of the Faith, Archbishop Tarcisio Bertone, SDB, pointed out that Sister Lucy confirmed to him that the consecration made by Pope John Paul II in 1984 corresponded to Our Lady’s request.

Therefore, on March 25, Pope Francis will consecrate Russia together with Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in communion with the bishops of the whole world. Pope Francis will follow what has already been done by his predecessors in calling for an end to the war in Ukraine and for all peoples to be converted to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady.

The Immaculate Heart of Mary will triumph

On the occasion of her apparition, Our Lady told the little shepherds that her Immaculate Heart would triumph. These words nourish the hope of peace amid war. Therefore, they will be repeated on Friday in the hope that amidst of thunder of war, peace will be achieved.

Presently, the war between Russia and Ukraine dominates the world’s attention. However, many other wars are forgotten. So many wars take place in the day-to-day life of our cities through paramilitary groups undermining states, causing violence, robberies, and the death of innocent people. How many innocent people have died even in this war between Russia and Ukraine? Wars cause suffering and devastation everywhere. We cannot stand silently by and watch the bombing of hospitals and homes of the elderly.

A small, silent prayer can have a significant effect

Many are praying for peace. There can never be too much prayer, a small and silent prayer can cause significant effects. A prayer made from the heart and with faith can change the heart of the one who hears it. God’s love heals hatred through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit makes all things new, and through Him we can attain the peace we long for.

Let us unite in prayer with Pope Francis and the bishops this Friday and ask the Holy Spirit to transform people’s hearts. May the Virgin Mary welcome the prayers of all people in her great heart. Let us take advantage that this Friday is dedicated to the 24 hours for the Lord, and let us put as our main intention the peace in the world. Amen.

By Cardinal Orani João Tempesta, O. Cist. – Metropolitan Archbishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro, RJ

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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