Cardinal Tempesta: Our Lady of Lourdes and the Pastoral Care of the Sick

Cardinal Tempesta: Our Lady of Lourdes and the Pastoral Care of the Sick

Article by Cardinal Orani Tempesta on the liturgical memorial of Our Lady of Lourdes and the 30th World Day of the Sick.

Newsroom (11/02/2022 6:15 PM, Gaudium Press)  On this February 11, we celebrate Our Lady of Lourdes’s liturgical memorial and also the 30th World Day of the Sick, a blessed and anointed initiative of Pope John Paul II. Let us entrust to Our Lady of Lourdes all those who suffer from some illness. Through the intercession of the Mother of Jesus, may all be cured of their ailments.

On the day of Our Lady of Lourdes, the Health Pastoral usually meets to celebrate the Eucharist for the beginning of the year’s work and also the World Day of the Sick. This moment is critical because we entrust the pastoral work to the maternal lap of Mary and, in the same way, we pray for our sick.

The Pastoral Care of Health is of great importance for the Church. The service rendered to the sick is a service rendered to God. Unfortunately, there is a lack of members for this essential service to the Church. The service of the Pastoral Health Care consists of visiting the sick or elderly person in their home, talking to them and bringing them the Eucharist. Sometimes it is to go to the hospital, too. We often have time for so many things, but we do not find time for God or serve our brothers and sisters. May we make an effort to call people to this service, so essential for the Church, and may we ask the Virgin Mary to have people available for this service.

We have been living for about two years with the Covid-19 pandemic, which has affected many families with the loss of loved ones or sick people with sequelae of the disease. People became afraid to leave their homes, and many went into depression. For a while, Churches were closed, and Masses and prayer times had to be seen through television and the internet. Now the situation is different, and we can participate in the sacraments in person; we can go to Church to attend Mass and times of prayer, but the pandemic left many marks and fear.

On this day dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes, let us ask the Virgin Mary to protect all these people and that she, with her Motherly gaze, comfort all those who are depressed or sad and visit the sick. Let us raise a special request to her: to stop this pandemic of Covid-19, ravaging us for about two years now.

Thirty years ago, the late Pope Saint John Paul II instituted the World Day of the Sick, in order to sensitize the people of God, health institutions and civil society to a greater perception towards the sick and those who care for the sick. Pope John Paul II intended to entrust all sick people to the care of Our Lady.

This pastoral work can only be carried out if we carry within us a feeling of mercy towards the one who suffers, that is if we carry within us the same feelings as Jesus. In carrying out the work of the Health Pastoral, we bring Jesus to the sick person and the tender affection of Mary.

In manifesting herself to Saint Bernadette, Our Lady of Lourdes asked the young girl to pray for the conversion of sinners. On this day dedicated to Our Lady of Lourdes, let us pray not only for the sick but also for those who care for the sick that they may have patience with the sick and do their work with love. Above all, may those who care for the sick bring faith and hope and make the one who is ill, believe in God. May health professionals, and particularly hospital administrators, bring fraternal charity to the sick.

May all the sick entrust their lives and pains to the Lord, who gives meaning to every situation in our lives. And when they recover from their illness, may they carry within them a sense of gratitude and serve their brothers and sisters with joy. That we participate with joy in the great thanksgiving, the Mass in our churches.

Let us joyfully celebrate the day of Our Lady of Lourdes and entrust to her, Mother of Health, all the sick and that there be no lack of people in the Church who serve in the Health Pastoral, bringing the love of God and the tender affection of Our Lady to all the needy. Let us also entrust to her the work of all health professionals.

Let us ask Our Lady of Lourdes for a special grace, that through her intercession, we may be free from the Covid-19 pandemic.

Our Lady of Lourdes, pray for us!

By Cardinal Orani João Tempesta, Archbishop of Rio de Janeiro

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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