Cardinal Zen ‘Very Concerned’ about Synod on Synodality


Cardinal Joseph Zen has said he is “very concerned” about what could happen with the ongoing Synod on Synodality and that he is praying that “our pope will have greater wisdom.” 

Newsroom (17/01/2023 11:46 AM, Gaudium Press) — In an interview with the Italian newspaper Il Giornale published on Jan. 17, Cardinal Zen of Hong Kong expressed his points of view on several topics related to the present situation of the Universal Church.

On the occasion of Benedict XVI’s funeral, you met the Pope. What did you talk about?

« It was a wonderful meeting, very warm. I thanked Pope Francis for the good bishop appointed in Hong Kong in 2021. He replied: ‘I know it well, he is a Jesuit!’. I then told my pastoral experience in Hong Kong prisons. In these 10 years I have baptized several prisoners. Francis said he was very happy for my ministry ».

Benedict XVI’s death brought out contrasts between traditionalists and progressives. What do you think of Monsignor Gänswein’s statements in his latest book?

« I haven’t read the volume yet but I think it will be interesting. I agree with Monsignor Gänswein on the theme of the Latin Mass. The tendentious generalizations in Francis’ Traditionis custodes have hurt the hearts of many people. Reading the motu proprio and the Pope’s letter to the bishops, one notices an ‘ease’ and a ‘tendentiousness’ in linking the desire to use the extraordinary form of the mass with a negative judgment on the ordinary form of the mass, or a tendency to link the refusal to accept liturgical reform with a total and profound rejection of Vatican II. Can’t the Vatican’s anti-Ratzinger patiently wait for the Tridentine mass to die along with the death of Benedict XVI instead of humiliating him in this way? »

Will Francis change his line?

« I don’t know, but I hope there is a change. We are very concerned about what could happen with the Synod of Bishops. And I fear that the Synod repeats the same mistake as the Dutch Church 50 years ago, when the bishops backed down and accepted that the faithful led the Church; then their numbers decreased. We pray that our Pope will have greater wisdom ».

Could Bergoglio also resign?

« I think so, if the Pope has serious health problems he should consider resigning. Benedict XVI offered an excellent example ».

The faithful ask that Ratzinger be canonized immediately. What do you think?

« During the funeral I also heard faithful and priests shouting ‘Santo subito !’. It is a wish that I totally share. Now Benedict XVI prays and intercedes for all of us ».

How do Catholics live in China?

«It’s a difficult situation, we must never forget to pray in these hard times. Many faithful testify their faith with conscience but we know that when the situation becomes difficult, some think only of their own interest. We continue to support truth, justice and charity. Darkness will not win over light ».

  • Raju Hasmukh with files from Il Giornale and CNA


Note: Cardinal Zen was likely referring to the Pastoral Council of Noordwijkerhout held in the Netherlands between 1966 and 1970, which called for Church authority to be carried out in dialogue, for women to assume ecclesial roles, and for priestly celibacy to be optional in the Church. The council followed the publication of the “Dutch Catechism,” a text so controversial that Pope Paul VI asked a commission of cardinals to examine its presentation of Catholic teaching.


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