
Spanish Catholic Bishops Conference recalls sacred value of human life

Spain (Thursday, 18.09.2014, Gaudium Press) Once again the Catholic Church of Spain has made a strong statement in favor of human life. Through a...

Guadalupe, Vatican and Jerusalem receive more pilgrims than any other place

Santiago de Compostela - Spain (Monday, 09/22/2014, Gaudium Press) On Saturday, September 20, the First International Congress on Tourism and Pilgrimage, held in Santiago...

Canadian bishops launch national campaign against euthanasia

Quebec - Canada (Thursday, 09.18.2014, Gaudium Press) The Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops has launched a national campaign against euthanasia and doctor-assisted suicide as the...

Sydney’s new Archbishop

Sydney (Friday, 09/19/2014, Gaudium Press) The 54 year old Dominican bishop of Paramatta, Australia, Anthony Fisher, OP, born in Sydney in 1960 to Colin...

Dedication of Brooklyn’s Co-Cathedral, an awesome event

New York - USA (Thursday, Set-16, 2014 - Gaudium Press), St Joseph Co-Cathedral of Brooklyn was rededicated by Bishop Nicholas Dimarzio, after magnificent restoration. Photo...

The Sacraments of Marriage and Communion is the subject of new book released in America

San Francisco - USA (Tuesday, 09/16/2014, Gaudium Press) Under the title "Remaining in the Truth of Christ", an Augustinian priest, Robert Dodaro, President of...

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