Christian Love and Charity: What Does it Mean?


Our Lord asks us to imitate Him by treating others as He treated us, without placing limits on love. The call to Christian love and charity is an invitation to build a civilization based on true virtue and love.

Newsroom (Gaudium Press) In today’s world, where the spirit of sin and self-interest often reigns, the teachings of Jesus provide a radical blueprint for love and charity. Christian love and charity are not mere suggestions; they are a mandate for those who wish to truly follow Christ.

The Law of Charity: Imitating the Father

Jesus calls His followers to love without limits, reflecting the Christian love and charity shown by the Father. His message stands in stark contrast to the self-interest practiced in society.

Overcoming the Sinful Nature Through Love

Saint Therese of Lisieux reminds us that without God’s grace, it is impossible to live out the radical love Jesus taught. Through Christian love and charity, we rise above human limitations. By showing generosity, as Jesus exemplified, we open ourselves to the abundance of God’s blessings, a reward that overflows when we practice true Christian love and charity.

The Magnitude of Jesus’ Love for Us

Jesus’ self-sacrificial love is the ultimate model of Christian love and charity, urging us to live with the same boundless compassion for others.

Invitation to Live Limitless Love

Following Christ’s example, we are called to love without limits. The call to Christian love and charity is an invitation to build a civilization based on true virtue and love.

Compiled by Donna Smolders

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