Colombian Seminary Celebrates its 140th Anniversary


Founded on October 31, 1881, the seminary has received a great number of young men aspiring to the priesthood since its establishment.

Newsroom – Colombia – Boyacá (October 19, 2021, 9:40 PM, Gaudium Press) At the end of this month of October, the Conciliar Seminary of Tunja, located in Boyacá, Colombia, will complete 140 years forming Catholic priests in the country.

Formation of numerous vocations

Founded on October 31, 1881, the seminary received from its very beginning a large number of young men, who approached it as a way to respond to the call that God had made to them.

“There the Lord showed himself rich in mercy by raising up vocations and the generosity of those who sustained this house of formation with their prayer and maternal support,” says a statement published by the seminary.

Campaign to support the seminary

The celebration of the seminary’s anniversary will take place on October 28th, with a Holy Mass celebrated at 11 am. A fund-raising campaign to support the seminary will also begin on the occasion.

“The anniversary of the foundation of the Conciliar Seminary of Tunja is an opportunity to thank the Lord for the benefits received, but it is also an occasion to be aware of the current situation of its infrastructure,” reads another excerpt from the communiqué. (EPC)

Compiled by Sarah Gangl

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