Cuban Bishops Call for “Necessary Changes” in the Country


Following the 158th Plenary Assembly, the bishops of Cuba called for the release of those arrested in the July demonstrations.

Newsroom (14/11/2021 5:00 PM, Gaudium Press) The 158th Episcopal Plenary Assembly of the Cuban Bishops concluded yesterday with a call to a “harmonious and civilized” dialogue and the implementation of “necessary changes” in the country. A march for civil liberties is scheduled for tomorrow, November 15.

Every Cuban should be able to express and share freely and with respect his personal opinions, his thoughts or his convictions, even when they differ from the majority,” the island’s bishops remarked, indirectly confirming that such freedoms are absent in Cuba.

Moreover, the Cuban episcopate warns against “any act of violence among us, whether physical, verbal or psychological,” as they “gravely wound the soul of the Cuban nation and further contribute to the pain, suffering and sadness of our families.”

“It is urgent that Cubans be involved in a national project that involves and motivates everyone; that takes into account differences, without exclusions or marginalizations. We think it is necessary to implement mechanisms where, without fear of intimidation and reprisals, everyone can be heard and dissatisfactions can be examined in the face of the harsh daily realities that oppress so many, especially the most impoverished and vulnerable,” they said.

They also called for the release of the people arrested in the latest demonstrations on the island last July: “How many Cuban families would be grateful, even the Church, and how much social tension would decrease if there were a gesture of indulgence toward those still detained by the events of last summer!”

Compiled by Gustavo Kralj

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