The Servite Order is one of the most ancient among those specially founded to propagate devotion to the Mother of God.
Newsroom (17/02/2022 7:05 PM, Gaudium Press) Today, February 17, the Church celebrates the memory of the Seven Founders of the Order of the Servites.
What is the origin of the Order of the Servites?
They were seven men, worthy of reverence and honour, whom Our Lady gathered together like seven stars, to begin with, their fraternal union of soul and body, the Order of herself and her servants.
In 1233, when Fratricidal struggles tore Florence, seven merchants, members of a society of laymen devoted to the Virgin, bound together by the evangelical ideal of communion and service to the poor, decided to retire into solitude for a common life of penance and contemplation. They abandoned their businesses and homes and distributed their goods to the poor.
Four Main Elements
Let us look at some aspects of the way of life of these seven men before they began their community life.
First of all, concerning the Church: Some of them, because they were determined to keep virginity or perfect chastity, did not marry; the bond of marriage already bound others; others, finally, were widowers.
Secondly, concerning the service of civil society: They were all merchants and bought and sold earthly goods. But when they discovered the precious pearl, that is, religious life, they not only gave to the poor all that they possessed but gave themselves to God and to Our Lady to serve Him with all joy and fidelity.
The third aspect concerns the veneration to Our Lady: in Florence, a particular confraternity was founded a long time ago in honour of the Virgin Mary. It had an outstanding position among the other confraternities for its antiquity, the number of members, and the holiness of the men and women who belonged to it. For this reason, it was called the ‘Company of Our Lady.’ The seven men also belonged to it as members primarily devoted to Our Lady before they came together as a community.
The fourth aspect concerns the perfection of their souls. They loved God above all things; and directing to Him all that they did as to righteousness, they honoured him by thought, word and deed.”
About 1245, they retired to Monte Senario, near Florence, where they built a small house and oratory dedicated to Our Blessed Mother. They led an austere and solitary life, not rejecting, however, the company of people who, driven by anxiety and doubts, sought the comfort of their words.
As their reputation for holiness spread more and more, many asked to become part of their family. So they decided to start an Order dedicated to the Virgin Mary, of whom they called themselves Servants – the Order of the Servants of Mary – adopting the Rule of St Augustine.
In 1888 Leo XIII canonized the first seven Fathers together. On Monte Senario, a single tomb collected the remains of those who had become one heart and soul by sharing holiness in common.
St Bonifiglio Monaldi
Father and leader of the group and, later, prior of the nascent community of the Servants of Mary. He is portrayed with the white dove resting on his right shoulder as the mark of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Each of the seven was endowed with the Gifts of the Holy Spirit, namely manifested in him as the father of the first group and the community. He died, according to tradition, on January 1 1262.
St. Bonaiuto Manetti
He was an austere man towards himself but sweet, loving and understanding towards others. He held the office of Prior General between 1256 and 1257. For his tenacity in defending truth and justice, his adversaries tried to poison him, but God saved him. He died on August 31 1267.
St. Manetto del Ántella
Also, Prior General, St Manetto was a man of great organizational skills and leadership ability. The first foundations in France are attributed to him. He welcomed Arrigo of Badovino, the first of the great crowd of lay people who joined the Servite Order. Tradition places the date of his death at August 20 1268.
St. Amadio Amidei
In the Group of Seven, he was like a flame giving warmth to all with his great charity nourished by God’s love. His name, Love of God, was a true sign of the richness of his spiritual life and charity. He died on April 18 1266.
St. Sostenio and St. Ugoccio Ugoccioni
Between these two saints, friendship flourished as a paradigm of Christian Virtue. Iconography represents them together, and the death of both were on the same day and year (May 3 1282), a sign and seal of authenticity from Heaven to their brotherhood. In the group of seven, they have remained a symbol of fraternity lived in communion of life and intentions, as a unique bond of friendship inspired by God.
Saint Alexius Falconieri
A member of the Falconieri family, he was the uncle of Saint Giuliana and a shining example of humility and purity. His life was continuous praise to God. He loved to beg for alms, making a special effort to support the friars sent to study at the Sorbonne in Paris. He died at the age of 110, on February 17 1310.
Let us ask the Holy Founders of the Servites to intercede for us before the Throne of God so that true devotion to Mary Most Holy may be established on earth.
Compiled by Gustavo Kralj