Difficulties with Your Prayer Life? St. Louis Orione’s Thoughts on Prayer

Pope Pius XII called him “father of the poor, benefactor of suffering and abandoned humanity” and Pope John Paul II, canonized him on May 16, 2004. Regarding prayer, Don Orione used to say: “In silence and prayer the fruits of the Faith ripen and the purposes that form the great Saints germinate”.

Newsroom (27/05/2024 09:15, Gaudium Press St. Luigi Orione was born on June 23, 1872 in Pontecurone, a small town in the Diocese of Tortona in northern Italy, Louis Orione felt the call to the priesthood at a young age.

After completing his philosophy and theology courses at the seminary, he was ordained a priest, adopting the motto: “Renew everything in Christ”. He dedicated himself entirely to the sick, the needy and the marginalized in society.

St. Louis Orione founded four religious congregations: the Little Work of Divine Providence, the Hermits of Divine Providence, the Little Missionary Sisters of Charity and the Blind Sacramentine Sisters.

In order to encourage his missionary children, he visited South America several times: Argentina, Uruguay, Chile and Brazil (1921, 1922, 1934 and 1937). St. Louis Orione even said that whatever he couldn’t do for Brazil when he was alive, he would do after he was dead. The saint died on March 12, 1940, sighing: “Jesus! Jesus! I’m coming”.

Pope Pius XII called him “father of the poor, benefactor of suffering and abandoned humanity” and Pope John Paul II, after declaring him blessed on October 26, 1980, finally canonized him on May 16, 2004.

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Here are some of St. Louis Orione’s thoughts on prayer:

“Prayer is the grace of graces: let us ask for it and God will make us saints!”

Without prayer, nothing good can be done. Prayer is our strength”.

“Prayer is our elevation to God. The whisper of faith, the cry of hope.”

“My silence was a prayer for everyone for peace in the world, for peace in hearts.”

“Prayer is not long and beautiful words, it is the elevation of the mind and heart to God.”

No one lives without breathing. Prayer is the breath of the soul in God.

“Prayer is the most sublime of all philosophies, the most instructive of all sciences.”

In silence and prayer the fruits of the Faith ripen and the purposes that form the great Saints germinate.”

“The hours of silence are prayer; prayer gives these hours, and the whole of life, strength and fruitfulness”. (EPC)

Compiled by Camille Mittermeier


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